María Guillermina Tiramonti
Master’s Degree In Education and Society
Position in the Program
She has a degree in Political Science from the Universidad del Salvador (1972) and a Master's in Education and Society from FLACSO Argentina (1988). Since 1985 she has worked as a Researcher in the Education Fieldof FLACSO Argentina and has held different positions at the institution. In 1993 she assumed the task of coordinating the Education Field and between 2001 and 2008 she was in charge of the institution's management. From 1993 to 2014 she coordinated the Master of Social Sciences specialized in Education.
Her research is focused on the analysis of both national and Latin American public policies and since 2000 she has been directing different empirical research projects on the educational system, with a special focus on secondary education.
In the 2000s, she formed the NEPEC - Grupo Viernes where she has developed numerous investigations that cover various problems of the system such as inequality and the numerous initiatives to reform the system and changes at the institutional level; Likewise, within the framework of this group, numerous master's and doctoral theses have been carried out. Since 2007, with this research group, she has edited the magazine Propuesta Educativa.
Lines of research:
education policies - secondary education - educational inequality - educational fragmentation - school format - Latin America - Argentina
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