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Nucleus of Studies on Educational Processes in Contemporaneity (NEPEC) - Friday Group

In 2001, within the framework of the Education Area of ​​FLACSO Argentina and under the coordination of Guillermina Tiramonti, a research team was formed that focused its reflection on the theme of Argentine secondary education and the processes of socio-educational inequalities that go through it. , a concern that continues to structure the productions of this team. Throughout these almost 20 years of work, it was consolidated as a space for discussion, academic production and training of researchers and actors of the educational system.


The research journey began with a line that investigated the fragmented configuration of the educational system and the meanings that secondary schooling acquires in different social groups. These results give rise to the study of two themes. One of them, focused on the education of the elites, consolidating a specific team on the subject ( LINK to the NEEDS Nucleus in ECyS). The other, focused on the institutional organization of the school, studying the variations on the school form and educational formats aimed at the inclusion of social sectors that have just entered the secondary level. Within the framework of these concerns, we find a reflection on the links and school experiences in these formats, the academic regimes implemented and the different forms of teacher recruitment that speak of the limits for the transformation of the school.


The team's most recent projects problematize the dialogue that the secondary school establishes with the contemporary world, reflecting on the cultural relevance of the school, problematizing its epistemological-pedagogical dimension, the possibilities of change in the teaching and learning processes and the policies oriented towards intervene on these issues.


Since 2007, the Friday Group has been in charge of the edition of the magazine Propuesta Educativa , which has been published since 1989.

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